Ohio Committee To Consider Removing State BSL Language Tomorrow!

Editor’s note: I’m bumping up this post because this bill is in serious jeopardy of dying in committee unless it receives attention from Ohioans.   Please, if you are a resident of Ohio, contact those on the House Committee on Infrastructure, Homeland Security, and Veterans Affairs and urge them to vote this bill out of committee.

From the AKC:

“The Ohio House of Representatives Infrastructure, Homeland Security, and Veterans Affairs Committee will consider House Bill 366 tomorrow, Wednesday, January 9th, at 2:30PM, in Room 114 at the State Capitol in Columbus. Sponsored by Representative Webster, the bill proposes to remove the current breed specific language from the definition of vicious dogs in state law.”

Read more about it here.

6 responses to “Ohio Committee To Consider Removing State BSL Language Tomorrow!”

  1. I needed to hear some good news.
    My head was hurting from banging it against a brick wall.
    Good for that representative and good for the State of Ohio!
    Let`s hope reason prevails.
    We`ll be watching and keeping our paws crossed.

  2. I hear ya Mac! Lately we go so long before we hear good news that we should really celebrate our victories where and when we can find them.

    Honestly I don’t know that it would do any good for anyone other than Ohio residents to write their representatives. But hey, what’s the worst that could happen? They disregard your letter?

  3. I generally don’t write to US reps because I think technically, if you don’t live in the State, your input is ignored even if you are a US resident.

    Not sure though and you’re right, NPBB, all they can do is ignore it.

    Maybe I should start doing that myself.

    Good news, I’m glad HS will be involved that should actually help.

  4. [quote]It might help if you have a title[/quote]

    The only title I can come up with might be due to the late Queen Mom(Bowes-Lyon family) being a very,very, very distant cousin,
    but that might be akin to the claim that all the “Pits” must be killed because they might all originate from the original dogs that fought in the “Pits”.
    I think I better not try using that “royalty” title.

    But I know what you mean.
    But we have many paws crossed here.I`d love to see Tom`s face if this passes.

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