Compromise Schmompromise!

Editor’s note: Councilman Prigge saying “we’re not against sound input by the people who are going to be affected most by this legislation, which is Elgin citizens” is an outright LIE considering the consistent belligerent tone he has taken with Elgin citizens.   And while Councilman Gilliam waxes slippery about compromise, a true compromise would be giving a majority of Elgin residents what they want which is leaving the dangerous dog ordinance as is and striking the breed-specific portion of it.   The truth is, Councilman Prigge and his partners in crime aren’t truly entertaining input from anyone but proponents of BSL and radical animal rights groups apparently.   And the only “compromise” here I’m guessing is done for the benefit of other reticent councilmen to pressure them into passing the BSL that Elgin voters have consistently said they don’t want.

The latest from the Daily Herald:

Calling it a compromise, Elgin leaders have toned down a new batch of laws aimed at controlling pit bulls.

“It’s an attempt to try and compromise with concerns people have,” said Councilman Robert Gilliam. “We’re not set in stone. We’re not trying to ram it down people’s throats.”

Under the proposed changes, pit bulls will still be declared “dangerous dogs” and violators of the lengthy ordinance still face fines of $1,000.

But city leaders have proposed:
¢ reducing the cost of a three-year license from $100 to $50;
¢ lowering the amount of liability insurance for homeowners or renters with pit bulls from $500,000 to $100,000;
¢ eliminating a requirement for pit bull owners to obtain a special permit from police when driving through town, visiting or taking their dog to an Elgin veterinarian;
¢ axing a requirement that pit bull owners post a 2-foot by 2-foot sign outside their homes warning of a “dangerous dog”;
¢ and allowing pit bulls to run free in a backyard – as long as they are muzzled and there is at least a 3-foot-tall fence. Before, a 6-foot fence was required if an unmuzzled pit bull was to run in a yard untethered.

…Councilman John Prigge, who along with Councilman Mike Warren formed a four-vote majority to advance the measure last month, also said he is OK with the proposed changes.

“We’re committed, but we’re not against sound input by the people who are going to be affected most by this legislation, which is Elgin citizens,” Prigge said. “This is the right thing to do.”

The council meeting is at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 10, in the Heritage Ballroom at The Centre, 100 Symphony Way, Elgin.

One response to “Compromise Schmompromise!”

  1. The city council is hoping that we will all back off if they lower the fees. They are wrong! They must remove the “Per-se” portion of this ordinance. Nothing less will appease us!

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