Category: Tethering

  • South Bend, Indiana Still Working to Remove Breed-Specific Legislation, Restrict Tethering

    South Bend, Indiana Still Working to Remove Breed-Specific Legislation, Restrict Tethering

    As we learned in May, South Bend, Indiana is working to remove its “breed discrimination policies” and add some restrictions on tethering to its municipal code.   Councilwoman Valerie Schey asserted during a work session on Thursday, August 8, 2013, that South Bends municipal code prejudicially deems American Pit Bull Terriers as a dangerous breed,”…

  • Osawatomie, Kansas Repeals Their Two Decades Long Breed Ban

    Osawatomie, Kansas Repeals Their Two Decades Long Breed Ban

    According to Osawatomie’s own city site, New ordinance 3709, which was published in summary in the June 5, 2013 issue of the Osawatomie Graphic, is now available on-line. The major changes in Ordinance 3709 are the repealing of breed specific bans, enhancing provisions dealing with definitions, regulations, prohibitions and penalties dealing with dangerous animals, strengthening…

  • NYC Councilman Peter Vallone Rumored to be Proposing Anti-Tether Legislation

    NYC Councilman Peter Vallone Rumored to be Proposing Anti-Tether Legislation

    Peter Vallone, you will recall, proposed a repeal of New York state’s prohibition of breed-specific legislation (BSL) several months back, which he hinted was motivated by the race of many “pitbull” owners. As a result of Vallone’s failure to repeal New York’s BSL prohibition, Vallone may now attempt to push anti-tethering laws.